Required Library Apprentices in Ministry of Defense High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), Last date: 17 April 2021

Required Library Apprentices in Ministry of Defense High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), Last date: 17 April 2021

Ministry of Defense High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL)
Government of India
Sutarwacii, Pune-21

Advertisement No.: HEMRL/HRDKC/APPARENT-TRG/2021-22/01

Under the provisions of Apprentices Act-1961 as amended from time to time, The Director HEMRL invites applications for apprenticeship training for a period of one year in the following disciplines:

Name of Post

Library Apprentice

No. of Posts



01-UR, 01-OBC


Rs. 9000/-pm

How to apply

I. Age of the apprentice should not be less than 18 years as on closing date of application published in Employment News. The upper age limit is 24 years which is relax-able by 03 years for OBC candidates, 05 years for SC/ST candidates, and 10 years for persons with disabilities (PWD).

II. Selected candidates are entitled for a stipend as per the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961. The character and antecedents of the selected candidates will have to be verified.

III. There is no provision for appointment of the apprenticeship trainee in DRDO or in this lab after the completion of training and the candidate cannot claim for the same.

IV. The Director. HEMRL reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts for apprentices.

V. The applicants should not have undergone similar training elsewhere. Only those applicants can apply who have completed the qualifying examination in 2018 or later.

VI. Graduate and Diploma/Technician apprentices should first register themselves in the Ministry of Human Resources and Development portal

VII. After registration at the above-stated portal, candidates are required to send scanned copies of their duly signed application along-with relevant documents certificates (10th certificate, qualification certificates, mark sheet, caste certificate & birth certificate, etc.) valid as on closing date of applications in a single PDF file through e-mail to You need JavaScript enabled to view it. In the subject line of the email "Application for Apprentices" should be written. Candidates are also advised to check their emails periodically and keep the same activity during the selection process.

VIII. The duly signed application form along with enclosures should also be sent through post to The Director, HEMRL, Sutarwadi, Pune-411021.

IX. In view of the COVID-19 Pandemic situation, candidates may be screened on the basis of marks in essential qualifications.

X. The period of training will be for 12 months from the date of engagement as an apprentice.

Xl. Suppression of facts by the applicants will lead to disqualification at any stage of the selection process

XII. Last date of application is 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News. Applications received after the last date of submission will not be considered.

Apply Online: (Click Here)

For more details about this notification, visit the official website:

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