Online application for ARCHIVIST at IIM, Ahmedabad: Last Date: 13.10.2021

Online application for ARCHIVIST at IIM, Ahmedabad: Last Date: 13.10.2021

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

The IIMA Archives, launched in 2019, seeks to preserve institutional memory and periodically disseminate historical information about the Institute to the IIMA community and the general public. It holds a large collection of physical and digitized documents related to the foundation and evolution of the Institute and to the business and economic history of India.

Post :


Vacant :


Age :

Maximum 40 years as on last date of Application. Institute provides age relaxation as per GOI rules. Additional 5  years’ age relaxation is given to the women candidates.


Salary :

Selected candidate will be offered a fixed term appointment for a period of three years on a consolidated monthly salary on CTC mode, which may be extended for further period as required. Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate and will be  Commensurate with the candidate’s profile and experience.

Qualification & Experience Requirement:

(1) A. A postgraduate diploma/ degree in Archives and Records Management, along with a master’s degree in any discipline [OR] 

B. A master’s degree in library science with certification in archives management; additional certifications in records management, reprography, and care and conservation of books, manuscripts and other archival material, will add value to the application.

(2) At least two years of work experience in established archives, with specific experience in managing electronic records and digitized material.

The applicant is expected to have a good understanding of the theory and practice of records management, conservation, reprography and information sciences. A good understanding of and experience in the digitization of archival material, and competence in electronic repository management, are desirable

Job Description:

PLANNING Preparing annual and long-term plans for the Archives; developing and implementing IIMA Archives policies; reviewing and maintaining the permanent exhibition of IIMA Archives; organizing other exhibitions on IIMA Campus. 

COLLECTION Evaluating records of any type for preservation and retention. Supervising the transfer of records from the various departments of IIMA to the Archives. Organizing oral history interviews with various IIMA stakeholders. Liaising with donors, both internal and external, of archival material, and negotiating the donation/ purchase of such material.

ARRANGEMENT & PRESERVATION Cataloguing archival collections. Managing information and records. Ensuring implementation of safe record-keeping practices. Undertaking digitization of prioritized records. Implementing protection and preservation of the collections, especially photographic and video material. 

DISSEMINATION Developing a strong identity for IIMA Archives as user-friendly digital Archives, accessible to researchers from across the world. Managing the Archives webpage. Developing and implementing an effective social media outreach strategy

Online Application: (Apply Here)


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